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Simply Soundtracks
Simply Soundtracks
  • SKU: simplyost
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Simply Soundtracks

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  • Vendedor: JP
  • Tipo de producto: Vinilo
  • Código de barras: 4050538277180
      1. The Hanging Tree - from the Hungergames: Mocking
      2. City of Stars - from La La Land
      3. Theme from Moonlight
      4. Theme from Schindler S List
      5. Theme from Doctor Zhivago - Lara S Theme
      6. Now We Are Free - from Gladiator
      7. John Morgan Orchestra - Theme from Dances with W
      8. Theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark
      9. Theme from Back to the Future
      10. Movie Sounds Unlimited - Theme from Pirates of T
      11. Theme from the Magnificent Seven
      12. Theme from the Great Escape
      13. Theme from Mission: Impossible
      14. Theme from 300 (To Victory)
      15. Jai Ho - from Slumdog Millionaire
      16. Main Theme from Beetlejuice
      17. Theme from James Bond (Dr.no)
      18. Theme from Jaws Tracks
    1. 2.   CD  

      1. Theme from Star Trek (Tv)
      2. Star Wars Main Title and Ambush on Coruscant - S
      3. Theme from Superman
      4. Captain America March - Captain America (The Fir
      5. Theme from Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Th
      6. Theme from Planet of the Apes
      7. Also Sprach Zarathustra - from 2001 Space Odysse
      8. The Imperial Suite - from Rogue One: a Star Wars
      9. Theme from Batman: the Dark Knight
      10. Theme from Star Wars V: the Empire Strikes Back
      11. Theme from E.t.
      12. Theme from Edward Scissorhands (Ice Dance)
      13. Theme from Alien
      14. Theme from X-men Origins: Wolverine
      15. Theme from Thor
      16. Movie Sounds - Theme from the Amazing Spider-man
      17. Theme from Jurassic Park
      18. Theme from Return of the Jedi - from Star Wars E

  1. 3.   CD  

    1. New Soul Sensation - Faith (Sing)
    2. Melinda Keen - Let It Go (Frozen)
    3. Heartfire - How Far I Ll Go (Moana)
    4. Movie Sounds Unlimited - Theme from Finding Dory
    5. Movie Sounds Unlimited - You Ve Got a Friend in
    6. Knightsbridge - if I Didn T Have You (Duet Versi
    7. Leon Brightside - Beyond the Sea (Finding Nemo)
    8. Sacre - Do You Want to Build a Snowman (Frozen)
    9. Jacques Legrand - Theme from Peanuts (Linus and
    10. Hot Contender - Happy (Despicable Me)
    11. Vic Van Mason - Can T Stop the Feeling! (Trolls)
    12. Alegra - Try Everything (Zootopia)
    13. Champs United - I Like to Move It (Madagascar)
    14. TV Sounds Unlimited - Theme (The Smurfs)
    15. TV Sounds Unlimited - Theme (Looney Tunes)
    16. TV Sounds Unlimited - Thomas Theme (Thomas the T
    17. Movie Sounds Unlimited - Squeeze Me (The Spongeb
    18. Flavourine - What is Love? (Rio 2)
    19. Sacre - Everything is Awesome!!! (The Lego Movie
    20. Movie Sounds Unlimited - (Meet) the Flintstones
  2. 4.   CD  

    1. The Walking Dead (Main Theme)
    2. Planet Earth II (Main Theme)
    3. Theme from Sherlock
    4. Theme from Game of Thrones
    5. Theme from Downtown Abbey
    6. Theme from Twilight Zone: the Movie
    7. Theme from Stranger Things
    8. Theme from the Avengers
    9. Theme from Dallas
    10. Theme from Wonder Woman
    11. Theme from Knight Rider
    12. Theme from Baywatch
    13. Theme from the A-team
    14. Theme from Doctor Who
    15. Theme from the X-files
    16. The Pink Panther Theme
    17. Theme from the Muppet Show
    18. Big Bang Theory Theme
    19. Theme from the Munsters
    20. Theme from Batman